Top 4 Things You Need to Know About the OCI Services

What is OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)?
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is a service that provides access to Oracle’s cloud infrastructure through the Oracle Cloud Platform. OCI delivers on-demand, scalable and secure computing, storage, networking, and database services to customers in a single program.
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure allows you to gain access to Oracle’s global network of data centres and cloud infrastructures. It also enables you to use some of the most advanced and secure technologies for your applications’ development and deployment.
The platform has been designed for use by individuals and organizations of all sizes – from small businesses to large enterprises – with varying degrees of technical sophistication.
Reasons to Adopt Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers the following benefits:
- Reduction in Costs:-
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can help you to save big on costs related to IT operations and maintenance. You can eliminate unnecessary hardware and software purchases, which will help you save money on your yearly budget. Moreover, it allows you to control the costs of keeping your data centres up-to-date with the latest technologies by using self-service tools that enable you to manage this process anywhere at any time.
- Exceptional Performance:-
OCI services provide exceptional performance at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional data centres. It offers high availability, scalability, and elasticity that help businesses run their applications smoothly without worrying about downtime or slowdowns due to unexpected issues with their servers or hosts.
- Investing in the Future:-
Investing in the future is a must for any business. It’s essential to have a plan for what your business needs to do, and the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is the best way to ensure you can keep up with the changing demands of technology.
The OCI Services allows businesses to invest in their future while also ensuring they can scale in case of an emergency or other unforeseen issues. It can provide a stable platform that allows you to develop new products and services while providing an easy way to move existing ones into the cloud.
- Enhanced Security Features:-
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides enhanced security features, including firewalls, vulnerability scanning, encryption, and authentication. In addition, it provides various security features like virtual patching, virtual private networks (VPN), intrusion detection systems (IDS), and access control lists (ACL).
- Autonomous Database:-
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is an autonomous database that allows you to scale up or down on demand according to customer requirements. This feature helps customers in maximizing their investment while reducing costs at the same time.
What Makes Oracle Cloud Different?
A lot of people are asking this question. It’s not easy to answer because cloud computing has been around for a while now, but it’s still not as simple as saying, “it’s like having your own server in the cloud.”
Oracle Cloud is designed to be a hosted service that provides cloud computing. You can use the Oracle Cloud platform like any other software package. The Oracle Cloud platform comprises various components, including databases, application software and web services. The difference between this type of software and traditional on-premises software is its flexibility. You can scale the number of servers or virtual machines running your applications as needed without worrying about hardware purchasing costs or maintenance costs associated with physical servers.
What Are Some Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Use Cases?
- Anomaly Detection:-
Anomaly detection allows you to detect when a user is using your application in a way that does not fit the typical usage pattern. Anomaly detection can detect whether a user is accessing your application from an unexpected device or location or is using an IP address that is not registered with your application. This is useful when you want to ensure that your users can access the functionality of your application regardless of where they are accessing it from or what device they are using.
- Application Dependency Management:-
Application dependency management allows you to manage the dependencies between different organisational applications. This can help reduce security risks by ensuring that all of the applications in your organization are working together as one system rather than as multiple systems. This also allows you to identify issues with individual applications and their dependencies before they affect other parts of your infrastructure.
- API Gateways:-
API Gateways enable external developers to access APIs on your infrastructure without having direct access to its underlying resources. They provide a secure interface for developers who may want access to these resources without knowing how those resources function internally.
For example, an API Gateway might be used by an external developer to connect with an internal database and retrieve data from it. The API Gateway would provide the interface between the developer’s application and the database, protecting the application from direct access to the database server and ensuring that any data retrieved by the application is validated before being sent back to the client.
In The End…
Our Oracle Cloud Infrastructure experts can help you migrate your existing applications, databases and workloads to a new Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Our team at Abaca Systems will work with you to identify the best solution for your needs so that you can be confident that your data centre is ready for the next growth phase.